World Bread Day 2013 – Roundup

World Bread Day 2013 - Roundup

354 bloggers from 29 countries participated in the 8th edition of World Bread Day!

We just missed the goal of 365 entries by 11. 354 is still amazing and thanks to the group, we reached the 365 loaves of bread, anyway! So, as promised I will choose every month a bread from the roundup and will bake and blog about it. As our ovens are still warm from World Bread Day I invite all of you to do the same, meaning the next Bread Baking Day will be all about World Bread Day. Announcement with more information will be online November 6. Stay tuned!

Back to World Bread Day. I read all entries, left a comment and pinned on Pinterest World Bread Day 2013 board, where it was possible. It was very inspiring to see all these wonderful loaves of bread and also interesting to discover new blogs. I highly recommend to visit not only the blogs of your country but all of them.

Before you head to the roundup some housekeeping and then have fun discovering the huge basket filled with wonderful breads. Every single loaf is made with love!


The entries are sorted by country, then alphabetically by recipe name. The roundup is split up into 4 parts.

If you don't find your entry on the roundup, it could be you did not fill in the submission form as requested or/and you forgot to link back in the body of your post or I just somehow missed your submission. If you feel your entry should be on the roundup, please send me an email at kochtopf(at)gmail(dot)com mentioning your name, blog name, blog URL, name of the recipe and entry URL and country, and I will add it to the list.

World Bread Day 2013- Roundup

See you all again next year on October 16!

If you can't wait till then, you are cordially invited to join the monthly Bread Baking Day.

9 Gedanken zu „World Bread Day 2013 – Roundup

  1. Huhu Zorra, bei mir ist gar kein Foto mit gelandet, schade. Hab ich wohl etwas falsch gemacht?
    Auf alle Fälle hast du da etwas ganz großes auf die beine gestellt!!! LG Simone

  2. auch hier möchte ich das nochmals sagen: 1000 Dank für deine Mühe damit! Es ist unglaublich, was du für die Blogger und die Leser auf die Beine stellst und wie viel Zeit du dafür erübrigst!!
    Du bist wirklich einzigartig.

  3. Unglaublich! Ich hab schon einige ins Auge gefasst. Danke Zorra für die viele Arbeit, die Du da im Hintergrund geleistet hast.

  4. Irgendwie war es mir durchgegangen, dass der Roundup bereits online ist! Ich bin wieder ganz beeindruckt, welche Vielzahl an Broten wieder zusammengekommen ist.
    Vielen Dank liebe Zorra, dass du dir jedes Jahr diese Heidenarbeit machst!

  5. Sorry Zorra for my delay… No time for post comments :o(
    Thanks for the WBD event, is always a pleasure to partecipate.
    Ciao e grazie ancora,

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