BBD #14 – Argovian Carrot Bread

I didn’t know how much juice a carrot contains until I made the following bread for Bread Baking Day. BBD is this month hosted by Boaz of Grainpower. He has chosen colored breads as theme with a limitation to use natural color such as walnuts, tomatoes, carrots, saffron etc. I did go with carrots. The original recipe is from Richemont and it’s called Aargauer Rüeblibrot (Argovian Carrot Bread).

BBD #14 - Argovian Carrot Bread

Okay the color of the bread is not as orange as I imagined it would be, but it’s taste is orangely delicious.

Argovian Carrot Bread
makes 1 loaf

BBD #14 - Argovian Carrot Bread

30 g water
0.5 g fresh yeat
0.5 salt
40 g flour

Final dough
200 g water
1 ts sugar
7 g fresh yeast
220 g flour
100 g wheat wholemeal groat, finely ground
preferment (see above)
65 g carrots, grated and squeezed
7 g salt
7 g sesame

about 2 tbs carrot juice
15 g rye flour
1 g fresh yeast

flour for dusting

Pre-ferment: Mix well all ingredients.

BBD #14 - Argovian Carrot Bread  - Preferment

Cover and let rest for 2 hour at room temperature then transfer to the fridge and let rest overnight.

Prepare carrots by grating and squeezing them. As it’s just a small quantity you can do this by hand.

BBD #14 - Argovian Carrot Bread - Carrot

Don’t discard juice you will need it for the glaze.

Final dough: Dissolve yeast in 50 g water, poor rest of the water to the preferment and dissolve too. Add all ingredients expect salt and sesam in the mixer bowl. Mix on low speed 1.5 (Bosch MUM 8) for 4 minutes, add salt and sesam mix 6 minutes on speed 2 (Bosch MUM 8). Cover and let rise for 60-70 minutes. I if necessary make one Stretch & Fold after 30 minutes.

Glaze: 30 Minutes before you shape the bread prepare the glaze by mixing well all the ingredients. Let rest for 30 minutes.

Form bread into a rectangle, spread the glaze and dust with flour (I forgot).

BBD #14 - Argovian Carrot Bread before baking

Let it rise for 60 minutes.

Preheat oven to 220 C.

Bake loaf for 15 minutes, open oven door to release steam bake for another 20-25 minutes or until it sounds hollow when the bottom is tapped. If the bread turns to dark cover with aluminum foil. Remove and cool on a wire rack.

11 Gedanken zu „BBD #14 – Argovian Carrot Bread

  1. REPLY:
    Ja, ich denke das wird dir auch schmecken. Leider hab ich vergessen das Brot zu bestäuben. Damit sähe es noch etwas besser aus. Und das Beste man muss es nicht Einschneiden. ;-)

  2. Heute abend wird dieses Brot gebacken. Ich bin am Überlegen, ob ich noch mit Honig karamelisierte Walnüsse dazugeben soll. Könnte gut schmecken ;-)

  3. REPLY:
    Hier mein Feedback: das Brot ist super geworden. Ein paar Sachen haben ich geändert. Da ich kein Volkornmehl hatte, habe ich als Ersatz Dinkelmehl genommen. Den Zucker habe ich weggelassen, dafür 40 gr Walnüsse gehackt und mit 1 EL Honig karamelisiert.
    Mit dem Ergebnis bin ich sehr zufrieden ;-)

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