BBD #17 – Potato Walnut Bread with Crème fraîche

Bread Baking Babe Lien of Notitie van Lien is the host of this month’s Bread Baking Day. She has chosen Bread and Potatoes as theme. A combo I love, in fact my first BBD entry was a Potato Foccacia and also my first Daring Baker Challenge was Bread with potatoes. Of course I baked some other bread with potatoes too, like Mutschli, Rustic Potato Bread, Potato Rolls with Rosemary, Potato Bread with Pumpkin Seeds, Italian Cornetti, Potato Bread with Walnuts I and Potato Bread with Walnuts II.

As Lien said adding potatoes to a bread dough gives the final bread an extra moist and soft crumb, but it’s a bit tricky regarding the amount of water. At the beginning of the kneading phase the dough seems very dry and you are tempted to add more water. But don’t, because after some kneading the dough becomes more wet. I speak from experience. ;-)

BBD #17 - Potato Walnut Bread with Crème fraîche

The following recipe is my own creation based on the last two recipes, listed above. It’s a tasty bread with a very fluffy crumb. We love it!

Potato Walnut Bread with Crème fraîche
makes 2 loaves

BBD #17 - Potato Walnut Bread with Crème fraîche

80 g fresh sourdough starter
1 ts dried yeast
1 medium size boiled potato (+/- 125 g)
100 g Crème fraîche
+/- 150 g water
500 wheat flour
14 g salt
100 g walnuts, coarsely chopped

Peel and mash the freshly boiled potato, add Crème fraîche. Mix dried yeast and flour. Dissolve sourdough in 50 g water. Add all ingredients expect salt in the mixer bowl. Mix on low speed 1.5 (Bosch MUM 8) for 4 minutes, add salt and mix for another 4 minutes on speed 2 (Bosch MUM 8). First the dough seems very dry don’t add more water, because after 5 minutes mixing it becomes very soft and sticky.

Unfortunately I did add 20 g more water and ended up with a very sticky dough. I added 2 tb of flour, but still the dough was quite sticky. So I had to make 3 Stretch and Folds during the rising time, but I think if you follow the recipe 2 Stretch and Folds should be sufficient.

Cover and let rise for 90 minutes. Make 1 Stretch & Fold after every 30 minutes, a total of 2. The dough should double in size.

Cut dough into 2 equal pieces. Shape into 2 rounds, set them in one banneton in a pair.

BBD #17 - Potato Walnut Bread with Crème fraîche

Let rise for 60 minutes.

In the meantime preheat oven to 230 C.

Bake for 20 minutes, open oven door to release steam, reduce heat to 200 C and bake for another 15 minutes. Remove loaves from oven and let cool on a wire rack.

BreadBakingDay #17, last day of submission March 1

More recipes and entries in English.

12 Gedanken zu „BBD #17 – Potato Walnut Bread with Crème fraîche

  1. Yo por aca con temperatutas de alrededor de 17 grados aun no logro mi masa madre :S , pero apenas lo logre intento algo de esto, se ve demasido bueno.

    un abrazo grande

  2. Just love your combination of sourdough starter, walnuts, potatoes and creme fraiche. The bread looks very rustic.
    I’m afraid when I bake this bread it will be disappeared in no time!

  3. Danke für die aufmunternden Worte. Ich werde es wohl nochmal probieren. Die mehligen Kartoffeln gab es nur im Single-unfreundlichen Zwo-Kilo-Beutel. Davon hat’s also noch. :)

  4. Your bread looks soooo good as always! It has a wonderful crust, and I love the addition of crème fraîche and walnuts.

  5. Looks beautiful! I bet the creme fraiche really added a rich, tangy flavor to your bread- it always goes so well with potatoes.

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