BBD #38 – No-Knead Bread and find the error!

My dear virtual friend Cinzia from Cindystar is the hostess of Bread Baking Day #38. She invites us to a No-Knead Festival means baking the famous No-Knead Bread in any variation.

Of course I already baked it, back in 2006 when the No-Knead-Bread hype started. This was the first and last time. My version of the bread was not meeting my expectations. It had a kind of cheesy crumb. I just did not like it.

In the meantime I’m a much more experienced baker and of course for Cinzia, I gave another try to the No-Knead method.

So the other night I mixed together

200 g wheat flour
100 g whole wheat flour
1,5 g fresh yeast
210 g water
1 tablespoon olive oil

Do you find the error? No? Me neither.

BBD #38 - No-Knead Bread and find the error!

The next day the dough has nicely risen.

I formed it into an oval and let it rise for about 3 hours in a banneton. Error? What are you talking about?

I preheated the oven to 250 C and baked the loaf for about 25 minutes.

BBD #38 - No-Knead Bread and find the error!

The loaf burst on the side and not on the top. Is this the error? Perhaps.

Suddenly – even before I had the first slice of bread – the scales fell from my eyes – I forgot the salt!

BBD #38 - No-Knead Bread and find the error!

At least this time, I got a perfect crumb. I still don’t know if No-Knead Bread and me will ever be friends. Anyway I will try it once again and then hopefully it will be perfect. And I think it could be as long as I keep in mind: Don’t forget to add 6 g salt to the dough!

Bread Baking Day # 38 - No-Knead Festival (last day of submission April 1st, 2011)

Even it’s not perfect this is my contribution to Bread Baking Day #38 and in addition my submission Susan’s YeastSpotting, the weekly showcase of yeasted baked goods and dishes.

More recipes and entries in English.

11 Gedanken zu „BBD #38 – No-Knead Bread and find the error!

  1. O isn’t that just annoying!! I know just how you feel girl, happens to me to every now and then. Your bread looks like a cloud inside, all air, beautiful!

  2. well, Zo, your bread is very good-looking anyway!
    I know missing salt should be a terrible mistake in a dough, but what to say about Tuscan bread which is always with no salt at all? and it’s only flour (whole wheat too), water, yeast or sourdough and a little oil? it was born when salt was taxed and hard to find, but still very popular in Tuscan bakeries nowdays (and I like it very much, my half Tuscan blood reveals its origin!)

  3. Ach wie ärgerlich. Ist mir auch schon passiert. Aber das Brot ist ja immerhin essbar….ich habe kürzlich Apfelstrudel mit Salz gebacken….frage nicht, wie laut und lange ich geflucht habe……

  4. REPLY:
    Uii, das ist wirklich ärgerlich. Den Strudel musstest du entsorgen, oder? Das mit dem Salz ist mir bis jetzt zum Glück noch nie passiert. Ich habe extra optisch und in der Grösse verschiedene Behälter für Salz und Zucker. Damit mir das nicht passieren soll… *dreixaufholzklopf*

  5. REPLY:
    Thank you Cinzia. Indeed the Tuscan bread came in my mind, too. But honestly I don’t like saltless loaves. Perhaps I should travel to Tuscany and taste a real one. ;-)

  6. REPLY:
    HABICHAUCH! Salz ist blau und schmal, Zucker dick und gelb……Ich habe keine Ahnung, wie mir das passieren konnte. Ich habe den Strudel serviert, bevor wirs alle gleichzeitig gemerkt haben…..Igitt.

  7. Das Brot hat mich gestern so neugierig gemacht, dass ich via google eine Idee bekommen habe. Die geht gerade daheim vor sich hin und macht sich hoffentlich nicht in der Küche selbstständig :-) Ich bin mal gespannt, wie das Brot wird. Hoffentlich schmeckt es so gut, wie der Teig zur Zeit duftet ;-)

  8. Ich wird’s gern mal ausprobieren. Die Kruste sieht toll aus. Aber kommen da wirklich nur 1.5 g Hefe rein? Das reicht für diesen schönen Auftrieb?

  9. REPLY:
    Ja, die Hefe reicht aus, da der Teig ja 15-16 Stunden über Nacht geht. Wenn du das Brot formst, es nicht zu stark bearbeiten, dann klappt es. Und Salz nicht vergessen! ;-)

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