Foodies Riddle #1 – Solution: Spinach-Knöpfli

Foodies Riddle
First of all I big thank to all the participants. The solution of foodies riddle #1 is, tadaaaaa: Spinach-Knöpfli a typical Swiss food.

Depending on size and shape they are also called Spätzli (longer and bigger). There exist special Knöpfli/Spätzli maker, but you don’t need such a fancy thing. You can just use the backside of your potato grater.

Most of you were on the right track. Just the basil was misleading, as it was spinach. ;-) The closest was Robert from lamiacucina. Congrats!

Foodies riddle #2 will be online in 2 weeks on Monday, May 12. Stay tuned! If you have any suggestion for a future riddle just drop me a line: kochtopf(at)gmail(dot)com.


serves 2-3

Foodies Riddle #1 - Spinach-Knöpfli

50 g semolina
150 g flour
1/2 ts salt
1 hand full of fresh spinach
2 eggs
50 ml milk
50 ml water

Boil a kettle of water, then slowly pour over the spinach in a colander until it wilts. Shake off the excess water, then put the spinach into a food processor, add milk, water and salt and pulse until you have a green liquid, add eggs and pulse 1-2 time more.

Mix semolina, salt and flour, add egg/milk mixture in sips and beat with a fork until you have a dough that’s a bit thicker than pancake mix but not a stiff dough. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil, add 1 tb salt. With a spatula spread some of the dough through the backside of a coarse grater, letting the dough drop into the water.

Chäs-Chnöpfli - Produktion
Sorry, this is an old pic with „normal“ Knöpfli dough.

When the Knöpfli float to the surface remove with slotted spoon. Repeat steps until all dough has been used.

You can serve Knöpfli as a main dish, with a lot of cheese and fried onions or/and croutons. Or as a side dish instead of potatoes, pasta or rice.

8 Gedanken zu „Foodies Riddle #1 – Solution: Spinach-Knöpfli

  1. Ahh.. would never have guessed that. I was a bit slow anyway – other people had already suggested what I was going to guess myself. Looking forward to the next riddle :)

  2. Was hast du aber auch für Spinat, der sich als Basilikum verkleidet hat! ;-)

    Dass es Knöpfli (ich dachte ja auch Basilikum-Knöpfli) sein müssen, fiel mir wie Schuppen von den Augen, als ich den Lösungsvorschlag von Lamiacucina sah. Aber da war es ja auch nicht mehr schwierig…

    Die Idee mit dem Rätsel ist toll! Ich freue mich auf das nächste.

  3. Oh, drat! When I first looked at the riddle, I thought it was spinach, but when everyone said basil, I assumed my guess was wrong. But, since I have a spaetzle press and I love spinach, I will definitely make this! And, I’ll be ready for the next riddle.

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