Our favorite loaf for World Bread Day 2012

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What is the worst thing that can happen to a home bread baker? A broken oven! That happen to me. Okay not exactly broken but since I cleaned the oven two weeks ago the door isn’t closing properly. Half of the heat escapes through the open joint – a nightmare!

Fortunately I have a kind of MacGyver* at home. He came up with this idea.

World Bread Day 2012 - MacGyer style - broomstick fixes to the oven door

A broomstick fixes and closes the oven door properly.

*For younger reader MacGyver was a television series in the mid eighties about the adventures of a secret agent armed with almost infinite scientific resourcefulness.

With this fix I could bake our current favorite loaf of bread for the 7th edition of World Bread Day.

World Bread Day 2012 - Our favorite bread

The first time I baked this bread was in 2006, then again in 2007 and recently in August of this year. Ever since I baked it a couple of times. Obviously we love it!

It takes a bit of time, especially if you have to reanimate your sourdough but it worth it.

Word Bread Day 2012 - Sourdough

To accelerate the process you can add a little bit of yeast, as I do.

Sourdough bread for World Bread Day 2012

makes a huge 2103 g loaf

Sourdough bread for World Bread Day 2012

Our favorite loaf of bread with sourdough for World Bread Day 2012.


    stiff sourdough

  • 200 g active sourdough
  • 234 g flour
  • 100 g water
  • final dough

  • 700 g flour
  • 200 g whole wheat flour
  • 100 g rye flour Type 960
  • 5 g fresh yeast
  • 650-690 g water
  • stiff sourdough (from above)
  • 26 g salt


  1. Stiff Sourdough: Mix all ingredients and combine thoroughly. Cover and let rest at room temperature overnight – 12-16 hours.
  2. Final dough: Dissolve the sourdough in 300 g water. Place all ingredients in the mixer bowl and knead on low speed for 4 minutes, and mix another 4 minutes on a higher speed. Cover and let rise for 90 minutes, fold twice, once after 30 Minutes and again 30 minutes later.
  3. Shape dough carefully into a round loaf and place with seam side up in a banneton. Cover and let rise for about 75 minutes or until doubled in size.
  4. Preheat oven and baking tray to 240 C.
  5. Remove loaf carefully from banneton. Slash and bake for 20 minutes, open oven door to release steam, reduce heat to 220 C and bake another 10 minutes, then reduce heat to 200 C, open oven door again to release steam and bake a final 10-15 minutes. Remove loaf from oven and let cool on a wire rack.

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Inspiration: Petras Brotkasten
Tags: bread, sourdough, World Bread Day 2012

Happy World Bread Day!

World Bread Day 2012 - Our favorite bread

World Bread Day 2012 - Our favorite bread

World Bread Day 2012 - Our favorite bread

World Bread Day 2012 - Our favorite bread

In addition this also goes to Susan’s YeastSpotting, the weekly showcase of yeasted baked goods and dishes.

More recipes and entries in English.

World Bread Day 2012 - 7th edition! Bake loaf of bread on October 16 and blog about it!

12 Gedanken zu „Our favorite loaf for World Bread Day 2012

  1. Hihi,
    wir haben den exakt gleichen Backofen und haben die letzten zawei Jahre die Backofentür genau gleich geschlossen gehalten. Bis kurz vor Ostern das Kind dem Besenstiel noch einen extra Kick gegeben hat – und das Außenglas in 1000 Teile zersprungen ist. Also vorsichtig dosieren!!!

  2. Gratulation, das Ballon-Brot ist Dir wieder wunderbar gelungen. Ich muss auch mal wieder einen Anlauf machen und es nachbacken.

  3. Gibts doch nicht….den gleichen Ärger hab ich auch mit meiner Ofentüre….Aber ich bringe meine jetzt dann zum reparieren, und zeig dem Theo auf KEINEN FALL Deinen Trick! Sonst bekomme ich das Ding NIE in Ordnung gebracht.
    Superschönes Brot!

  4. I can see that this could be a favorite loaf, I do love sourdoughs … haven’t done one in a little while. Great looking crust.

    I really appreciate that this Bread Baking event keeps going! But then I do love all things bread.

  5. Das Rezept hört sich sehr lecker an. Selbst gebackenes Brot schmeckt viel besser als das vom Bäcker. Da die meisten Bäcker nur noch mit Backmischungen arbeiten schmeckt das Brot meist bei jedem Bäcker sehr ähnlich. Ich backe auch gerne Brot aber habe leider niht immer die Zeit alles vorzubereiten.

  6. How brilliant to fix the oven door with a broom handle! Our oven door doesn’t always close properly (you have to set your mouth a certain way as you close it) and now I’m going to try a broom handle.

    What gorgeous bread you made, Zorra!

    Many thanks for hosting World Bread Day. I’m really looking forward to seeing all the other World bread made this week.

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