Onion Day – Invitation to Participate

Einladung zum Zwiebeltag / Invitation to Onion Day

“This is every cook’s opinion
No savory dish without an onion,
But lest your kissing should be spoiled
Your onions must be fully boiled.”
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

In Berne (Switzerland) the annual Zibelemärit (onion market) is be held on the fourth Monday in November. This year it will take place on Monday, 27th November. More than 50 tons of onions – in artistically woven plaits – are offered on this day on more then 300 market stalls.

I would like to take this opportunity and declare the 27th of November as onion day respectively invite all food- and other bloggers to prepare a dish – of course onions should have the leading part – and blog about it. This will be a teary day. ;-)

Einladung zum Zwiebeltag / Invitation to Onion Day

I know it’s a short term invitation, as most of households have always onions on stock, I hope at the roundup (before 30th of November) I can present some delicious onion recipes.

How to participate:

  • Prepare an „onion dish“, take pictures (if possible) and blog about it on Monday, 27th November or Tuesday, 28th November 2006
  • Send an email to kochtopf(at)gmail(dot)com including
    – your name
    – your blog’s name and your blog’s URL
    – the recipe name and the post’s URL
    – your hometown/region and country

If you have any suggestions or questions let me know.

[Einladung auf Deutsch]

8 Gedanken zu „Onion Day – Invitation to Participate

  1. Zorro,

    What a brilliant idea! I’d love to take part, but wont be able to make it by the 27th, due to a big birthday in the family this weekend

    I’ll post my recipe anyway


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