SHF # 17: Dairy – Cheesecake Crème & Cherry yoghurt milk shake

spittonextra is hosting this month SHF. The theme is dairy. I consume a lot of cheese, milk and yogurt, a great theme for me.

A week ago I celebrated my birthday with a special birthday cake (also with a lot of whipped cream!). From there I had some canned cherries left, good opportunity to consume them.

Recipe 1: Cheesecake-Crème
makes 1

SHF # 17: Dairy - Cheesecake Crème

50 g Philadelphia*
30 g melted white chocolate
80 g Crème fraîche*
canned unpitted cherry
5 tb cherry syrup (liquid of the can)

Mix Philadelphia and Crème fraiche, add melted chocolate. Let cool in fridge at least one hour. Put half of the Crème into a nice glass. Cover the Crème with cherries. Mix the rest of the Crème with cherry syrup and add to the glass. Decorate with cherry and whipped cream.

* Low fat version: I used Philadephia light and 0% fat quark.

Recipe 2: Cherry yoghurt milk shake
makes 1

SHF # 17: Dairy - Cherry yoghurt milk shake

100 g unpitted canned cherries
1 tb lemon juice
1/2 tb honey
125 g yoghurt
50 ml milk
50 ml cherry syrup (liquid of the can)
1 pn cinnamon

Place all in a blender. Cover and blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

3 Gedanken zu „SHF # 17: Dairy – Cheesecake Crème & Cherry yoghurt milk shake

  1. Ui, die Creme sieht ja toll aus! Und das Milchshakerezept ist klasse. Das werd ich gleich ausprobieren, ich habe nämlich auch noch ein angebrochenes Glas Kirschen hier. Tolle Idee :).

  2. they look really, really good – thanks for taking part in SHF

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