World Nutella Day – Brioche Cornetti filled with Nutella

Today is World Nutella Day an event hosted by Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Shelly from At Home in Rome.

I did not like Nutella very much, but for these delicious Baci I had to buy a glass of Nutella. Since then I’m addicted.

Brioche Cornetti filled with Nutella
makes 6-8 Cornetti

Brioche Cornetti filled with Nutella I

250 g flour
25 g melted butter
12 g fresh yeast
75 g lukewarm milk
75 g sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 egg


1 egg yolk

Dissolve yeast and 1 ts sugar in 30 g lukewarm milk. Let sit this mixture for about 5-10 minutes. Add dissolved yeast and the remaining ingredients (sugar, egg, pinch of salt, cooled down melted butter, milk) and knead well, either manually or with your kitchen machine until dough can be easily removed from the bowl (non-sticky). Cover bowl with a plastic wrap and let dough rise in warm place for at least 2 hours (size of dough should almost double).

Roll dough into 1 circle and cut 6-8 triangles. Spread nutella on every triangle and form Cornetti by rolling up the triangles. Place Cornetti on baking pan. Cover and let rise again at least 3 hours or better overnight. Paint with egg. Bake in the center of the preheated oven at 180C for about 20 minutes.

Brioche Cornetti filled with Nutella II
Brioche Cornetti filled with Nutella III

More recipes and entries in English.

6 Gedanken zu „World Nutella Day – Brioche Cornetti filled with Nutella

  1. Die sind dir wirklich gut gelungen. Ich kann ja kein Nutella essen wegen Haselnüssen, aber die werde ich sicherlich mal (mit Belmandel) nachbacken, wo mein Schatz so auf pain au chocolat steht

  2. Da ich auch Nutella-süchtig bin, hab ich die Nutella mal in Muffins verarbeitet – frisch und warm gegessen, ein Traum :). Ein Rezept dafür kann man bei mir auf dem Blog finden. Ciao, Bettina

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